Terms and Conditions of use BlueNets Community by iTalkYou COM LLC

Our goal is to connect community members from around the world to help them connect and learn and interact in their communities. Our services have been designed to promote interaction for our members by allowing you and millions of members to meet, exchange ideas and find members of your community in a network of trusted relationships.



  1. Introduction.
  2. Obligations.
  3. Rights and limitations.
  4. Disclaimer and limitation of liability.
  5. Termination.
  6. Applicable law and conflict resolution.
  7. General provisions.
  8. The Do's and Don'ts of BlueNets Community.
  9. Complaints regarding content.
  10. How to contact us.


1. Introduction.

1.1 Contract

When you use our Services, you agree to be bound by all these terms. Your use of our Services is also subject to our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy, which covers how we collect, use, share, and store your personal information.

By clicking "Join Now", "Join BlueNets Community", "Sign Up" or similar link, registering, accessing or using our services (described below), you agree to enter into a legally binding contract with BlueNets Community (even if you are using our Services on behalf of a community). If you do not agree to this agreement ("Agreement" or "Terms of Use"), do not click "Join Now" (or other similar link) and do not access or otherwise use our Services. If you wish, you can terminate this contract at any time; to do this, you must close your account and not access or use our Services.


Client services.


This Agreement applies to BlueNets Community, iTalkYou COM LLC branded applications, applications, communications, and other services they state are offered under this Agreement ("Services"), including off-site data collection for those Services, such as our ads and the “Apply with BlueNets Community” and “Share with BlueNets Community” plug-ins. Users subscribed to our Services are “Members” and unregistered users are “Visitors”.


BlueNets Community.


You are entering into this Agreement with BlueNets Community (also referred to as "we" or "our").


We use the term “Designated Countries” to refer to the countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.


If you reside in the "Designated Countries", you enter into this Agreement with BlueNets Community, and iTalkYou COM LLC (see its Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions) will be the entity responsible for the personal data that you provide to our Services, or that is collected or processed by or for our Services, or in connection with them.


If you reside outside of the "Designated Countries", you sign this Agreement with iTalkYou COM LLC (review its Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions) and this entity will be responsible for the personal data that you provide to our Services, or that is collected or processed by or for our Services or in connection with them.


These Conditions apply to Members and Visitors.


If you are a Visitor or Member of our Services, any collection, use and sharing of your personal data will be subject to this Privacy Policy (which includes our Cookie Policy and other documents referenced in this Privacy Policy), as updated .


1.2 Members and Visitors


When you register and join the BlueNets Community Service, you become a member. If you have decided not to register with our Services, you can access certain functionalities as a "Visitor".


1.3 Modifications


We may make changes to this Agreement.

We may change this Agreement, our Privacy Policy, and our Cookie Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to the Agreement, we will notify you through our Services or by other means, giving you an opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. We agree that modifications cannot be retroactive. If you do not agree with any of the changes, you can close your account. Your continued use of our Services after we post or provide notice of changes to these terms will mean that you agree to the terms updated as of their effective date.


2. Obligations


2.1 Requirements to use the Services


Here are some of the things you agree to in this Agreement:


You meet the requirements to enter into this Agreement and are at least the stated “Minimum Age”. Children under the age of 16 may not use the Services.


To use the Services, you agree that: (1) you are at least the "Minimum Age" (defined below); (2) you will only have one BlueNets Community account, which must be in your real name; and (3) BlueNets Community has not restricted your use of the Services. Creating an account with false information is a violation of our Terms; this also applies to accounts registered on behalf of other people or used by persons under 16 years of age.


"Minimum age" means 16 years. However, if applicable law requires that you must be of an older age for BlueNets Community to lawfully provide the Services to you without your parental consent (including the use of your personal data), then the Minimum Age will be that other age.


2.2 Your account


You will keep your password secret. You will not share your account with any other person and you will respect our rules and applicable law.

Members are the account holders. You agree: (1) to use a secure password and to maintain the confidentiality of it; (2) not transfer any part of your account (for example, contacts), and (3) follow applicable laws, our Do's and Don'ts, and our Community Policies. You are responsible for everything that happens to your account unless you close it or notify us that your account is being misused.


Between you and others (including your community), your account belongs to you. However, if the Services have been purchased by third parties for your use, that third party paying for those Services will have the right to control access and receive reports on your use of the paid Service; but he will have no rights to your personal account.


2.3 Payments


You will fulfill your payment obligations and you agree that we store your payment information. You understand that our prices may be subject to additional fees or taxes.

Refunds are governed by our policy.


If you purchase any of our Paid Services (“Premium Services”), you agree to pay us any applicable fees and taxes and to comply with any specific additional terms associated with such Paid Services. Failure to pay these fees may result in termination of the Paid Services you receive. You also agree that:

• Your purchase may be subject to exchange fees or price differences based on your location (for example, exchange rates).

• We may store and continue to use your payment method (such as a credit card) for billing purposes, even after it has expired, to prevent interruption of Services, and to use it to pay for other Services you may purchase.

• If you purchase a subscription, your payment method will be automatically charged at the beginning of each subscription period for the fees and taxes applicable to that period. To avoid future charges, cancel the subscription before the renewal date. Find out how to cancel or suspend your Premium Services.

• All of your purchases of Services are governed by the BlueNets Community Refund Policy.

• We may calculate applicable taxes based on the billing information you provide us at the time of purchase.


You can obtain a copy of your invoice through your BlueNets Community account settings under "Purchase history".


2.4. Notices and messages

You agree that we may send you notices and messages through our websites and applications, as well as through the contact information you have provided to us. If your contact information is not current, you may not receive these important notices.

You agree that we may send you notices and messages in the following ways: (1) on the Service, or (2) through the contact information you provided us (for example, email, mobile phone, mailing address). You agree to keep your contact information updated. Check your settings to manage and limit the messages we send you.


2.5 Shared Content

When you share information on our Services, other people can see, copy, and use that information.

Our Services allow you to send messages and share information in many ways, such as on your profile, in articles, in community posts. The information and content you share or post may be visible to Members, Visitors, or others (even outside of the Service). When there is the possibility to establish a setting, we will respect the choices you make about who can see the content or information. We are not required to post information or content on our Service and may remove it without notice.


3. Rights and limitations

3.1. Your License to BlueNets Community.


You own all content, feedback, and personal data you provide to us, but you also grant us a non-exclusive license to that information.

We will respect the choices you make regarding who can see your information and content, as well as how it can be used for advertisements.

As between you and BlueNets Community, you own the content and information you provide or post on the Services, and you only grant BlueNets Community and our affiliates the following non-exclusive license:

A worldwide, transferable, and sublicensable right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, and process the information and content you provide to us through our Services and third-party services, without any additional consent, notice, or compensation to you or third parties. These rights are limited in the following ways:


  • You can end this license for specific content by deleting such content from the Services, or generally by closing your account, except (a) to the extent that you have shared it with others as part of the Service and they have copied it. , re-shared, or stored, and (b) for a reasonable amount of time before it is removed from backups and other systems.


  • We will not include your content in advertising for third party products and services without your personal consent. However, we have the right, without indemnification to you or any third party, to post advertisements near your content and information, and your social actions may be seen and included with the advertisements, as stated in our Privacy Policy. Depending on your settings, we may make reference to the use of some functionality of the Service if you use it, using your name or photograph, in order to promote such functionality on our Services.


  • We will need your consent if we want to give others the right to post your content outside of the Services. However, if you choose to make your post public or visible to anyone (or any other similar option), we will enable functionality that allows Members to embed that public post in third-party services, and allow search engines to display such content on its services.


  • Although we may edit and make formatting changes to your content (such as translating or transcribing it, changing the size, layout, or file type, or removing metadata), we will not change the meaning.



  • Because you own your content and information, and we only have non-exclusive rights to it, you can choose to share it with third parties.


You agree with BlueNets Community that if the content contains personal data, it will be subject to our Privacy Policy. Likewise, you agree with BlueNets Community that we may access, store, process and use any information and personal data (which is why it is necessary to store the telephone number, company address, date of birth, etc.) that you provide in accordance with the provisions in the terms of the Privacy Policy and your choices (including settings).

By sending BkueNet suggestions or other feedback about our Services, you agree that BlueNets Community may (but does not have to) use and share such feedback for any purpose without compensating you.

You agree to only provide us with the information and content to which you are entitled and that the information in your BlueNets Community profile is true.

You agree to only provide content and information that does not violate the law or any person's rights (including intellectual property rights). You also agree to provide true information in your profile. BlueNets Community may be required by law to remove certain information or content in certain countries.

You agree that BlueNets Community may moderate the content and is within its right to remove the content if necessary.

You agree that BlueNets Community considers it optional at your free discretion to provide your personal data.


3.2. Availability of Services


We may change or terminate any Service or modify our prices prospectively. We may change, suspend or withdraw any of our Services. In the same way, we can modify our prices prospectively, prior notification within a reasonable period and to the extent permitted by law.


We cannot guarantee that we will store or continue to display the information or content you have posted. BlueNets Community is not a storage service. You agree that we are under no obligation to store, retain, or provide you with a copy of any content or information provided to us by you or others, except to the extent required by law and as noted in our Privacy Policy.


3.3. Other types of content, websites and applications

Your use of other people's content and information posted on our Services is at your own risk. Other third parties may offer their own products and services through our Services, but we are not responsible for the activities of such third parties.

When using the Services, you may find information or content that is inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, misleading, illegal, offensive or harmful. BlueNets Community does not review content provided by its members or others. You agree that you are not responsible for the content or information of others (including other Members). We cannot always prevent such misuse of our Services, and you agree that we are not responsible for such use. We also recognize the risk of you, or your organization being mistakenly associated with content about other people when we let contacts and followers know that you or your organization have been mentioned in the news.


BlueNets Community can help Members offering their services connect with Members seeking services. BlueNets Community does not act or employ individuals to carry out these services. You must be at least 18 years of age to offer, perform or contract these services. You acknowledge that BlueNets Community does not supervise, direct, control, or monitor Members in the performance of these services, and you agree that (1) BlueNets Community is not responsible for the offering, performance, or purchase of such services; (2) BlueNets Community does not in any way endorse the services offered by any particular Member, and (3) nothing shall create an employment, agency, or joint venture relationship between BlueNets Community and any Member offering services. If you are a member and offer your services, you represent and warrant that you have all necessary certifications and that you will provide your services in accordance with our Policies.


Similarly, BlueNets Community can help you register and/or attend events hosted by Members and connect with other Members who attend such events. You agree that (1) BlueNets Community is not responsible for the conduct of any Members or other attendees of such events, (2) BlueNets Community does not endorse any particular event included in our Services, (3) BlueNets Community does not review or restrict any of these events, and (4) you will abide by these terms and conditions applicable to such events.


3.4 Limits

We have the right to limit how you connect to and interact with our Services. BlueNets Community reserves the right to limit your use of the Services, including your number of contacts and your ability to contact other Members. BlueNets Community reserves the right to restrict, suspend or close your account if it believes that you may have violated this Agreement, the law or that you are misusing the Services.


3.5 Intellectual property rights

Below, we provide you with information about our intellectual property rights. BlueNets Community reserves all of its intellectual property rights in the Services. Trademarks and logos used in connection with the Services are the trademarks of their respective owners. BlueNets Community and the "en" logos and other BlueNets Community trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used for our Services are trademarks or registered trademarks of BlueNets Community.


3.6 Automated Processing

We use data and information about you to make relevant suggestions to you, as well as to offer them to others. We will use the information and data you provide us, as well as the data we have about Members, to make recommendations regarding contacts, content and functionality that may be useful.


4. Disclaimer and limitation of liability


4.1 Warranty Disclaimer

We disclaim any legal liability arising from the quality, safety or reliability of our Services.



4.2 Disclaimer

These are the limitations of legal liability that we may have in relation to you.





4.3 Contractual bases. exclusions

The limitations of liability in this Section 4 are part of the agreement between BlueNets Community and you, and will apply to all liability claims (such as those arising from warranty, damages, negligence, contractual or legal liability), even if communicated to BlueNets Community and its affiliates the possibility of this damage, and even if these solutions do not fulfill their main objective.


These limitations of liability do not apply to liability for death or personal injury, fraud, gross negligence or willful infringement, or in cases of negligence in which a material obligation has been breached, meaning a material obligation that which constitutes a prerequisite for the provision of our services and in which you can reasonably rely, but only to the extent that the damages were directly due to the breach and were foreseeable at the end of this Agreement and provided that they are considered typical in the context of this Agreement.


  • 5. Termination
  • Either Party may terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to the survival of certain rights and obligations. Either you or BlueNets Community may terminate this Agreement at any time after notifying the other party. Upon termination, you will lose the right to access and use the Services. The following shall continue to apply after termination:



  • Our right to use and disclose your feedback.
  • The rights of Members or Visitors to re-share content and information that you have shared through the Services.
  • Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8.2 of this Agreement.
  • Any amount due by either Party prior to termination will continue to be due after termination.


6. Applicable law and conflict resolution


In the unlikely event that we end up in a legal dispute, depending on where you reside, you agree with BlueNets Community to resolve it in the Florida courts that govern our terms, as well as any Dispute, whether in court or arbitration, that may arise between you and BlueNets Community, without regard to conflict of law provisions.



7. General provisions

Some important details about the Agreement are described below.

If a court with authority over this Agreement determines that any part of it does not apply, you and we agree that the court modify the terms so that that part does apply and continue to serve its purpose. If the court can't get it, you and we agree to ask the court to strike out that unenforceable part and keep the rest of the Agreement.


This Agreement (including any additional terms we establish when you interact with a feature of the Services) is the only agreement between us on the Services and supersedes all prior agreements on the Services.


Our failure to act in the event of a breach of this Agreement does not mean that BlueNets Community has waived its right to enforce the Agreement. You may not assign or transfer this Agreement (or your account or use of the Services) to anyone without our consent. However, you agree that BlueNets Community may assign this Agreement to its affiliates or to a third party that purchases it without your consent. There are no other third party beneficiaries of the Agreement. You agree that the only way to send us legal notice is at the address provided in Section 10.


8. The Do's and Don'ts of BlueNets Community

BlueNets Community is a community. This list of Do's and Don'ts and our Community Policies limit what can and cannot be done on our Services.


8.1. To do

You agree that you will:

• Comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, fiscal and tax laws, and other regulatory requirements.

• Provide us with accurate information and keep it up to date.

• Use your real name in the profile.

• Use the Services in a responsible manner.


8.2. what not to do

You agree that you will not:

  • Create a false identity on BlueNets Community, falsify your identity, create a member profile for someone other than yourself (an individual), or use or attempt to use another person's account.
  • Develop, support, or use programs, devices, scripts, robots, or any other means or process (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons, or any other technology) to plagiarize the Services or otherwise copy profiles or other data from the Services. .
  • Circumvent any security functionality or circumvent any access control or use limits of the Service (such as limits on keyword searches or profile views).
  • Copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, either directly or through third parties (such as search engines), without the consent of BlueNets Community
  • Reveal information that you do not have the right to share (such as confidential information from third parties, including your community).
  • Infringe the intellectual property rights of others, such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights. For example, do not copy or distribute (except through available sharing functionality) other people's posts or other types of content without their permission.
  • Infringe BlueNets Community's intellectual property or other rights, including, without limitation, (i) copying or distributing videos without prior consent; or (ii) copy or distribute our technology, except as released under open source licenses; (iii) use the term "BlueNets Community" or our logos in any trade name, email or URL except as described in the Brand Guidelines.
  • Post anything that contains computer viruses, worms or any other harmful code.
  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of the Services or any related non-open-source technology.
  • Imply or state that you are associated with or endorsed by BlueNets Community without our express consent.
  • Rent, lend, trade, sell/resell or obtain any other type of benefit from the Services or related data, or access them without the consent of BlueNets Community.
  • Establish links to our Services for any purpose other than promoting your profile or a Community on our Services, without the consent of BlueNets Community.
  • Use bots or other automated methods to access the Services, to add or download contacts, or to send or redirect messages.
  • Monitor the availability, performance or operation of the Services for competitive purposes.
  • Carry out "framing" or "mirroring" practices, or otherwise simulate the appearance or function of the Services.
  • Overlay or otherwise modify the Services or their appearance (such as by inserting features on the Services or removing, covering, or masking advertisements included on the Services).
  • Interfere with or unreasonably load the Services (for example, spam, denial-of-service attacks, viruses, or gaming algorithms).
  • Violate the Community Policies or any additional terms relating to a specific Service provided when you log in or start using that Service.


9. Complaints regarding content

Contact information for complaints about the content provided by our members. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We require that information posted by members be accurate and not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. We have a policy and procedure for making complaints about content posted by our members.


10. How to contact us

Our contact information. For general inquiries, you can contact us online. If you have any questions or concerns about our Terms of Service and/or our Privacy Policy or data processing, please contact us, contact email: intico@inticousa.com